Agenda item

Interactive Digital Session - iPad demo from IT on how to access email, calendar and OneDrive and use of Sharepoint for collaboration

Report of The Chamberlain.


Modern.Gov Demonstration


The IT Director provided the Sub-Committee with a demonstration on the Modern.Gov app and the following points were made:


·         The IT Director informed Members that the app only provides public access when it is first downloaded, and private access can be obtained by contacting the Committee and Member Services team.


·         The IT Director commented on the benefits of using the app including the ability to annotate and highlight sections of the papers and switching between the original and annotated agenda pack at the click of a button.


·         The Chairman commented that the app allows Members to have easy access to the papers that are only relevant to the Committees that each Member serves on.  Also, that the app provides added security measures as information is kept in a separate secure app, rather than stored on the devise.


·         The IT Director commented that Blue Papers can not be accessed via the Modern.Gov app.


One Drive Demonstration


The IT Director also provided the Sub-Committee with a demonstration on using One Drive and the following points were made:


·         The IT Director informed Members that One Drive is a cloud based service which is secure and remote and users can share documents by inviting them into the document and editing the documents from different devises, rather than having multiple versions of the same document.


·         The Chairman commented that the document author can decide who to share the document with, whereas with Share Drive an IT Officer decides access rights.  Also, that One Drive is useful for Chairman and Deputy Chairman, particularly when dealing with urgencies.


·         In response to a question Kevin confirmed that One Drive can be used via outlook by way of document link, but this does not allow shared access.


·         The IT Director commented that Blue Papers are likely to run off of One Drive in the future.


RESOLVED: That Members noted the demonstrations and agreed that demonstrations on new technology are a useful addition to the Sub-Committee meetings.