Agenda item

Appointment of Sub-Committees, Boards and Representatives 2018/19

Report of the Town Clerk


The Committee considered a report of the Town Clerk concerning the appointment of the Economic Crime Board, Performance and Resource Management Sub-Committee, Professional Standards Sub-Committee and Police Pensions Board.


The Chairman requested that those Members not present at the meeting be informed of any vacancies via email.




          i.    membership of the Economic Crime Board, Performance and Resource Management Sub-Committee, Professional Standards and Integrity Sub-Committee be agreed as follows:-


Economic Crime Board 2018/19

Nicholas Bensted-Smith (Chairman)

Deputy Keith Bottomley

Simon Duckworth

Andrew Lentin

Deputy Henry Pollard

Deputy Robert Merrett (Co-Opted)

Vacancy (Co-Opted)


Performance and Resource Management Sub-Committee 2018/19

Deputy James Thomson (Chairman)

Deputy Doug Barrow (Ex-Officio)

Nicholas Bensted-Smith

Deputy Keith Bottomley

Tijs Broeke

Andrew Lentin

Vacancy (Co-Opted)

Vacancy (Co-Opted by Audit & Risk Management Committee)

Vacancy (Co-Opted by Audit & Risk Management Committee)


Professional Standards & Integrity Sub-Committee 2018/19

Alderman Alison Gowman (Chairman)

Nicholas Bensted-Smith

Tijs Broeke

Mia Campbell (External Member)



Vacancy (Co-Opted)

Vacancy (Co-Opted)


         ii.    Deputy Robert Merrett should continue to be co-opted on to the Economic Crime Board for the ensuing year and that the vacancy for a second co-opted Member should be advertised to all Members of the Court of Common Council.


        iii.    the vacancy for the two co-opted Members of the Professional Standards and Integrity Sub-Committee should be advertised to all Members of the Court of Common Council.


        iv.    the vacancy for one co-opted Member of the Performance and Resource Management Sub-Committee should be advertised to all Members of the Court of Common Council.


         v.    following the result of a ballot between Alderman Ian Luder and John Todd, Alderman Ian Luder be re-appointed as the Chairman of the Police Pensions Board for the ensuing year.


        vi.    Following the resignation of Davina Plummer, recruitment for the vacancy for one Scheme Member representative be commenced in consultation with the Commissioner of Police.


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