Agenda item

Eradication of Procurement Code Breach Waivers - Retrospective waivers

Report of the Chamberlain


The Committee received a report of the Chamberlain outlining the proactive and reactive steps proposed to eradicate the use of retrospective waivers, including the rebranding of retrospective waivers to ‘Procurement Code Breaches’ and a list of newly introduced sanctions aimed to be a deterrent as well as introducing a transparent method of correcting behaviours and investigating non-compliant incidents.


The Committee was advised that that the report had been considered and approved by the Finance Committee which had shown significant support for the new measures. 


Members commented that a tougher regime of ‘zero tolerance’ was needed and questioned what was meant by cases being considered ‘on their merits’. The Chamberlain advised that this could be applied to cases where a lack of training was the reason.


RESOLVED – That the report be noted.







·         Members are asked to note the planned ‘Waiver Danger’ communications campaign and the introduction of sanctions outlined in paragraph 12 for when a Procurement Code Breach waiver (formally retrospective waiver) is required effective 1 April 2018.



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