Agenda item

35 Furnival Street London

Report of the Chief Planning Officer and Development Director.


This application was deferred at the last meeting on 9 April to enable Members to make a site visit.


Members are asked to resume the previous debate and only Members that were present at the last meeting are eligible to determine and vote on the application.





The Chairman reported that this item had been deferred from the last meeting to enable a site visit to take place.


The Chairman advised that the Committee would resume debate on the matter and only Members present at the last meeting were eligible to consider and vote on the application.


The Chairman then read out a list of those Members eligible to do so.


Debate ensured and several Members spoke in support of the application which they felt would not impact on privacy or increase the level of overlooking over and above the existing situation.


The proposal was put to the vote with 15 voting FOR, 3 AGAINST and 2 ABSTENTIONS.


RESOLVED - That planning permission be granted for the above proposal in accordance with the details set out in the attached schedule

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