Agenda item

Questions on Matters Relating to the Work of the Committee


A question was raised in respect of this week’s Planning Committee, which had considered an application for a change of use of the Golden Lane Community centre and agreed it on a narrow margin.   The Member was concerned that it contravened residents’ wishes. 


The  Chairman of the Policy and Resources Committee, also a Member of this Committee, stressed how residents’ views were paramount to the City Corporation and was fully aware of recent issues which had caused  discontent.  The Chairman of the Community and Children’s Services Committee reminded Members that this development sought to provide 3 much needed housing units (2 for families and 1 for rehabilitation following hospital discharge).  However, he also accepted that the future use of the estate office was not urgent and could warrant further consideration.  A Member emphasised the value in retaining on site housing offices, as they had helped the City Corporation cope with the challenges arising from universal credit. The Director advised that the unit cost of providing Social Housing was higher in Inner London.


In concluding, the Director reminded Members that officers were required to act on policy decisions taken by Members and offered the Committee a further report, including the minutes from the Planning Committee, taking into consideration some further information which had come to light during the Planning Committee this week.


The Chairman of the Housing Management and Almshouses Sub Committee referred to this week’s Court question and advised that there had been expressions of interest in the former car park space on the first floor of Middlesex St Estate.  Officers advised that they had been working with organisations experienced in the best use of the space.  The Chairman asked officers to prepare costings for dedicated stair and life access to the floor, and explore options for useful occupation, ready for the working group meeting on the 4th December 2018.


In respect of Great Arthur House, Members would receive a report on the final cost and recharges to leaseholders, which would seek to avoid litigation as far as possible.