Agenda item

Social Mobility Strategy

Report of the Chief Grants Officer and Director of the City Bridge Trust.


The Committee considered a report of the Chief Grants Officer & Director of The City Bridge Trust proposing the adoption of a social mobility strategy for 2018-28. A resolution of the Public Relations & Economic Development (PRED) Sub-Committee, which had considered the strategy at its 3 September 2018 meeting, was also circulated.


Members suggested that the strategy should also refer to work with and for the benefit of Londoners generally and not be limited solely to those in the City.


One suggestion that had been raised at the PRED Sub-Committee meeting was the potential to improve social mobility through tackling the “summer holiday learning loss”, whereby children from disadvantaged backgrounds regressed in respect of learning during the long summer break, or suffered in other ways, particularly in respect of nutrition. Members discussed this proposal, with it suggested that a more holistic and ambitious approach including activities and classes might also be considered. It was noted that this might represent a significant financial commitment and might best be administered through a third party with relevant specialism, rather than by the City Corporation directly. The Committee expressed its support for this proposal being explored further.


RESOLVED: That the proposed final version of the Social Mobility Strategy be approved, subject to the items raised at the meeting being incorporated, and the next steps for its delivery be noted.


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