Agenda item

Tudor Street/New Bridge Street - Update Report

Report of the Director of the Built Environment

(To be read in conjunction with the non-public appendix at Item 15)


The Chairman proposed that the item be withdrawn, as the other planned activities in the area meant that funding for the project in its present guise was unlikely to be agreed. The timing was not right, and a number of issues including which projects would be deferred needed to be settled before the project could proceed.


A Member requested that a report or a presentation be brought to the Sub-Committee on the Temple Area Traffic Study, as it would inform future decisions. The Member was also concerned with the arrangements of using a third-party transport consultant to review the Embankment access. Another Member queried what the City was doing regarding a recent injury collision at the Tudor Street/New Bridge Street junction.


The Sub-Committee was advised that as part of the Temple Area Traffic Review project, a further report setting out the findings would be submitted to this committee soon. The arrangements to use a third party had previously been agreed by Members.  The Sub-Committee was assured that any proposals would be scrutinised by Corporation officers who would undertake their own due diligence and provide advice on anything brought before Members. A copy of this agreed arrangement will be circulated. The Sub-Committee was advised that officers would continue to discuss the safety performance of the current junction with TfL to see what safety improvements they could make.


The Sub-Committee agreed to withdraw the item.

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