Agenda item

Estate Parking & Storage Sheds Policy

Report of the Director of Community and Children’s Services.


Members considered a report of the Director of Community and Children’s Services in respect of the Estate Parking and Storage Sheds Policy.   Members noted that officers were looking into the possibility of renewing parking permits annually, along with checking of  documents.  Management of storage would also be enhanced to manage hazardous substances. 


Members asked for further information setting out the different charges across the estates, take up rates, the number of empty spaces, the number of disabled spaces available close by and other elements charged for; i.e. cleaning and any sources for recouping funding. 




1.    The  Estate Parking & Storage Sheds Policy for use by the Housing Service be approved


2.    The current arrangements for disabled parking charges in paragraph 9 of the report be subject to a further detailed report, as set out above.


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