Agenda item

Beech Street: Transport and Public Realm Improvements

Report of the Director of the Built Environment


The Sub-Committee considered a report of the Director of the Built Environment concerning the Beech Street Transport and Public Realm Project. The report had been resubmitted following its original submission in July, with increased scope for the project, an increased emphasis on air quality, and more consideration given to the possibility of a City-wide traffic model which could be applied to the area.


This model could have several aspirational City schemes input into it to understand cumulative traffic impacts, more discussions are to follow between City officers and TfL as well as Islington Council who were working on a project for the Clerkenwell Road area. Officers had also undertaken structural investigation work and ground radar surveys were ongoing.


The Chairman noted that 2024 felt like a long timescale, and that if there were options to bring this forward they should be explored, including high-level political intervention if necessary. A Member suggested that this could be an opportunity to work closely and cooperate with TfL as a way forward. The Director of the Built Environment advised that officers had been working with TfL and had offered the City as a pilot for their model.


Members discussed the timescales of the project, noting that whilst 2024 was an unattractive target, in light of the scale and significance of the project it might be necessaryand that it was comparable to other similarly complex projects such as Aldgate. The Chairman concurred but felt it was necessary to keep pressing on this project, politically and with TfL, and it was agreed that regular updates should be provided to the Committee as a standing item. It was important for the project to be done correctly and with minimal impact on neighbours. A Member suggested that it might be more efficient to simply ban polluting vehicles from the tunnel. Members asked about the timescales for the TfL model and detailed designs to be developed.


The Director of the Built Environment responded to questions from Members. The recommendations included a request to increase the scope of the project to explore the possibility of introducing Ultra-Low Emission Vehicle restrictions in Beech Street. Early indications were that it would take 12-18 months for the TfL model to be developed. The detailed design phase carried a timescale of 14 months as Beech Street was complicated structurally, and the project would need to tie in with other works. The timescales attached were a best guess and whilst there would be ways to speed things up such as overlapping works, these would often carry risks. Officers would work with Members to explore ways the project could be accelerated, and agreed to update officers on the project at each meeting.


A Member asked if the Ultra-Low Emissions Vehicles restrictions could be implemented quickly. The Director of the Built Environment responded that officers would look at other Boroughs and report back.


RESOLVED – That the Streets & Walkways Sub-Committee:


  1. Note the vision for Beech Street as approved by the Policy and Resources Committee, which includes the reduction of traffic, improvements to the public realm, widening of footways and improvements in air quality;


  1. Note the separation of the podium water-proofing, property redevelopment and transportation & public realm projects, to follow individual Gateway paths and reporting times;


  1. Note the results of the traffic and public realm work done so far;


  1. Note the key project risks, next steps & programme.


  1. Approve further development of the feasibility of Option 1 (Beech Street closed to eastbound traffic) and Option 2 (Beech Street closed to westbound traffic);


  1. Approve an increase in the scope of the project (requested by the Port Health & Environmental Services Committee) to investigate the feasibility of introducing Ultra-Low Emission Vehicle restrictions in Beech Street;


  1. Approve the proposed procurement route for consultancy services utilising the City’s Highways Term Contract;


  1. Approve an increase in the estimated project budget of £1,526,435, to £1,745,362 to fund the project to Gateway 4, subject to the procurement of the relevant consultancy appointments;


  1. Approve the allocation of Public Realm and Local Transport Improvement CIL funds to fund the development of the project to Gateway 4;


  1. Delegate authority for any adjustments between elements of the budget to the Director of the Built Environment in conjunction with the Chamberlain’s Head of Finance provided the total approved budget of £1,745,362 (subject to procurement) is not exceeded and the scope remains unchanged; and


11.Ask that officers explore ways to accelerate the project if appropriate, and that officers update Members on the project at each meeting of the Streets & Walkways Sub-Committee.

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