Agenda item

Update on the issue of operational rail noise from London Underground affecting the Barbican Estate

Report of the Director of Markets and Consumer Protection.


The Committee received a report of the Director of Markets and Consumer Protection which updated Members on the work carried out thus far with regards to the rail noise emanating from the London Underground and its impact on residents of the Barbican Estate. The initial measurements of noise and vibration had been completed and would be used to inform a strategy and options for mitigation with a further report being brought before the Committee in January 2019.


In response to Members’ comments on how different flats could be affected by the rail noise and a query on how the properties were chosen to measure noise levels, the Director of Port Health and Public Protection advised that some of the properties had been suggested by Members, some had been used previously for readings and were subsequently chosen again to ensure the measurements were consistent, and finally some were chosen as the residents had raised complaints in the past. Members were informed that the work was ongoing with further measurements to take place once current track replacement work was completed, and if they were aware of any residents who would like their properties to be used for readings, to let officers know.


In response to a Members’ request, the Director of Port Health and Public Protection agreed to provide an interim progress report for the next meeting of the Committee. A Member queried whether clarity could be provided on whether TfL could use section 122 of the Railways Act 1993 as a statutory defence, the Director agreed to look into this further.


RESOLVED – That the Committee note the report

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