Agenda item



The Committee received the minutes of the Local Plans Sub-Committee meeting held on 19 September 2018 and the draft minutes of the Local Plans Sub-Committee meeting held on 9 October 2018.


Members suggested three amendments to the minutes of the meeting on 19 September 2018, with regards to Core Strategic Policy CSXX: Planning Contributions and Policy DM XX: Viability Appraisals. It should be clarified that it was the Housing Fund rather than the Corporation that lost out if the values used were not updated. A Member added that the policy needed to distinguish between the land values and the price paid, as they were not always the same. Members also noted a missing full stop in the minute relating to Core Strategic Policy CSXX: Aldgate and Tower. The Chairman advised that the amendments could be made at the next meeting of the Sub-Committee.


RESOLVED – That the Sub-Committee minutes be noted.

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