Agenda item

River Cameras Project - Update

A report of the Commissioner of the City of London Police relative to an update on the River Cameras Project which was considered by the Police Committee on 20th September 2018.


In light of the work being undertaken by the City of London Police around suicide prevention and the protection of vulnerable people, both of which are relevant to the work of the Health and Wellbeing Board, the Committee asked that the report be submitted to the Board for information.



The Board received a report of the Commissioner of the City of London Police relative to an update on the River Cameras Project which was considered by the Police Committee on 20th September 2018.  In light of the work being undertaken by the City of London Police around suicide prevention and the protection of vulnerable people, both of which were relevant to the work of the Health and Wellbeing Board, the Committee had asked that the report be submitted to the Board for information.


Members were advised that due to funding issues, progress with the project had been slow. The Deputy Chairman expressed dissatisfaction with the lack of progress with the project which had now been incorporated within the broader Ring of Steel project, particularly as funding had already been identified through Bridge House Estate (BHE). A number of Members commented that they had previously been assured that the River Cameras project would proceed as a separate piece of work.


Members suggested that the project should be delivered in conjunction with the Bridge Illumination project and should include thermal imaging technology.



(i)            the report be noted; and

(ii)           the Board’s concerns in respect of delays to the River Cameras project be submitted to the Police Committee and an update in respect of progress with the project, submitted to the next meeting of the Board.

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