Agenda item



The following items of urgent business were raised –


Communications to residents and electors


The Policy Chair questioned whether all corporate communications (including to residents) had appropriate oversight from the Director of Communications and it was agreed that there should be a centralised approach. The Policy Chair also suggested that there had been some confusion about how Members could now communicate with residents and businesses in light of the new General Data Protection Regulations (GDPR). It was recommended that training sessions be set up for Members to assist them.


There was discussion of the issues around data protection and one Member advised that there were exemptions to make political engagement possible.


The Chair of the Members Diversity Working Party updated the Sub-Committee on some of the preliminary discussions that had been had in that Working Party regarding attracting candidates to stand for Common Council from a diverse range of backgrounds.



·         Member briefing sessions be set up covering communication to residents and electors.


Lord Mayor’s Banquet


The Policy Chair requested Members to give feedback on the Lord Mayor’s banquet. The following points were made:


·         The omission of the late Lord Mayor’s speech was sensible;

·         Discussion ensued around how to make the Banquet more business focused;

·         The Lord Mayor and Prime Minister’s speeches were well aligned with the Prime Minister referencing the City Corporation’s digital strategy.