Agenda item

Review of Projects Within the Built Environment Directorate

Report of the Director of the Built Environment


The Sub-Committee received a report of the Director of the Built Environment proposing a review and prioritisation of transportation and public realm projects within the Department of the Built Environment in order to best utilise available funds to deliver corporate priorities and enable continued development to support economic growth.


The Director of the Built Environment advised the Sub-Committee of the need to consider the context of developing against the Corporation’s strategies and the wider economic context. A number of projects requiring significant investment were on the horizon which necessitated a review of the whole portfolio to ensure projects undertaken were cost-effective and supported the Corporation’s aims. A two-stage process was proposed, with the results of the first stage brought back to committees in 2019.


Officers recommended that projects fully funded by S278 agreement monies, projects previously approved at Gateway 5 and fully funded, and Highways Structures fully funded by the Bridge House Estates should fall outside the scope of the review, along with eleven projects that could be fully funded with unallocated Section 106 funding. Forty-three pre-project proposals were recommended for archiving in the Project Vision system. The proposed approach and methodology for the review and prioritisation of projects was set out in the report. A ten-year plan for the second stage of the process would be drafted.


The Chairman advised the Sub-Committee that this was a complicated but significant report. The process was necessary given the Corporation potentially faced a new spending environment and less funding for projects was a possibility. Members were supportive of the review and commended officers on the work that had been done so far. Members recognised the importance of being pragmatic and strategy-led, with cross-departmental co-operation, and the benefit of having a process to identify priorities with the courage to cancel outliers. A Member suggested that the process could be used as an exemplar and could be shared with other departments through the Town Clerk’s Department.


In respect of Table D, which outlined pre-project proposals to be archived, Members expressed some concern. A broad range of proposals were set out and there was some concern that areas such as Golden Lane and Whitefriars, which were either significant to wider initiatives, or had not seen many projects to enhance the streetscape, were in danger of being left behind, so an overarching process for the whole City would be required. A Member added that the table lacked detail and information such as the impact and the budget on the proposals to be archived, and suggested that this be added. The ability to initiate projects quickly was useful and it would be a shame to lose the ability to get funding and swiftly match it with a project. A Member queried whether the proposals were recommended for archiving purely on the basis that no money had been spent on them. If a project would have been higher if spending had been initiated, this did not represent thoughtful prioritisation.


The Director of the Built Environment thanked Members for their comments and responded to points raised. Tables A and B related to projects enabling economic growth and the key was supporting overall economic wellbeing. With regards to Table D, some areas had seen less spending when compared to others, and this was often on the basis that spending priorities followed private sector investment. The list was also quite historic, and a number of the projects also related to older strategies. Whilst they were not unimportant, there were new policies and proposals that required focus.


The Sub-Committee was advised that the report would go on to Planning & Transportation Committee for decision, taking account of comments from Members of the Sub-Committee. The Chairman gave thanks to the Director of the Built Environment for the significant amount of good work done so far and for the clear explanation of the proposals.


RESOLVED – That the report be noted.

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