Agenda item

Presentation from CEO of London & Partners


The Chief Executive Officer (CEO) of London & Partners, Laura Citron, delivered a presentation on the work of the organisation. The CEO outlined the key messages that told London’s story, which were relevant to different audiences. Members heard how London & Partners view that London’s reputation was currently at risk and so London & Partners were responding quickly to secure London’s global reputation.


The CEO presented some of the findings of the messaging research carried out with the City Corporation which found that the best received message was “London is a city of creative energy”. Members also heard how London & Partners were trying new methods of communication to coordinate networks of businesses such as WhatsApp.


The Policy Chair, the Director of Economic Development and Head of Media all expressed the close, positive working they had encountered with London & Partners.


The following discussion points were then raised:

·         London & Partners worked very closely with the Department for International Trade (DIT) and are in contact on a daily basis.

·         Whilst it was important that messaging included London’s current strengths, it should be borne in mind that there could be some uncertainty on whether these strengths are long-term.

·         Whilst it was important that security and safety were conveyed as key messages for London, this was best undertaken through images of people looking safe rather than specific reference to security.

·         One Member felt that London did have competitive advantages and some of the threats around companies leaving were counteracted by the thought of living and working in other cities within the EU.

·         London & Partners had innovative ways of measuring outputs and outcomes, and Members were particularly interested in social media activation.

·         Whilst there was reluctance to say much publicly on immigration, London & Partners were in a position to talk privately with Government, promoting the business view.