Agenda item



Chair’s Welcome

The Chair opened the meeting by welcoming members and also those in the public gallery – both elected Members and members of the public. She gave a special welcome to Elizabeth Walters, one of two new Co-opted Members of the Committee, to her first meeting.


The Chair went on to state that, as the front sheet of all meeting agendas reminds us, public meetings can be the subject of audio or video recording. She added that she had received prior notice of the fact that today’s meeting would be video recorded both by a public attendee and by the City Corporation’s own Media Team. She made it clear that both were aware of the City’s Filming Protocol which entails not disturbing the conduct of the meeting and focusing only on Members and Officers directly involved in today’s proceedings.


The Chair concluded by highlighting that there was a weighty agenda today and clarified that she would not, therefore, be taking comments from either members of the public, or elected Members who are not Members of this Committee.



Apologies for absence were received from Nick Cooke (Co-opted), The Very Revd. Dr. David Ison (Co-opted), Alderwoman Susan Langley, Dan Large (Co-opted) and Vivienne Littlechild.