Agenda item

Transformation and Efficiency Boards update

Joint report of the Deputy Town Clerk and the Chamberlain.


The Sub Committee received an update on the work of the Transformation and Efficiency Boards since its last meeting as follows:


Transformation Board

The Deputy Town Clerk outlined on going work of the Transformation Board, highlighting the ‘New Strategic Opportunities’ (as detailed at paragraph 4 of the report) and advising Members that a report on a recent visit to Northamptonshire County Council to learn from their work in “business intelligence” would be reported back to both Boards and the Sub Committee.


With regards to the Procurement and Procure to Pay (PP2P) programme, Members noted that the new CLPS (City of London Procurement Service) was now in place and the Finance Committee would be reviewing the programme’s success to date at its next meeting as it was 2 years since it had been implemented.


Efficiency Board

The Chamberlain advised Members that a report on third party payments would be brought to the next Sub Committee meeting.


The Chairman was keen to ensure that Members have a clear understanding of all grants made by the City Corporation and requested that an overview report of all payments be submitted to the Finance Grants Sub (Finance) Committee.



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