Agenda item


The Chairman has agreed to accept the attached item of urgent business:


The City of London Corporation’s Sport and Physical Activity Strategy for 2019-23 (for information)


The Chairman had agreed to accept an item of urgent business in respect of the City of London Corporation’s Sport and Physical Activity Strategy for 2019-23.  Members noted that the Strategy was due to be presented to a number of Committees, for comment, before being presented to the Policy and Resources Committee, in its final form, for decision on 4th July 2019.   As the report had been circulated late, the Chairman invited Members to forward any additional comments to the Town Clerk.  During the discussion, the following points were noted.


·       The report should mention Hampstead Heath and Wanstead Park and the national and local events they supported.


·        The Strategy offered good opportunities to make use of open spaces for community activities. Therefore, the Open Spaces Committees ought to sign-off on the strategy, rather than just be consulted.


  • Circulation should include Planning and Transportation Committee and the Streets and Walkways Sub Committee, which approve events on our roads.


  • Whilst commending a joined up approach, in order to ensure smooth governance and monitoring, it would be helpful to see who was going to deliver the different aspects of the strategy.


  • The current version was fairly high level and would benefit from more detail.


  • It should provide activities for older people to help with fall prevention and it would be helpful to focus on how the different age groups would be targeted.


RESOLVED, that – the report be noted



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