Agenda item

Integrated Commissioning Board Update

A presentation from the Integrated Programme Manager.


Members received a presentation from the Integrated Commissioning Manager and, during the discussion and questions, the following points were noted:


  • The new Primary Care Networks and the importance of its alignment with the emerging neighbourhood model. 


  • There were concerns expressed about the size of the neighbourhood and whether the City might be at a disadvantage?    Officers advised that a bespoke operational model would be developed around the Neaman Practice, given that the City had its own social care and reablement services and different voluntary sector services.  However, this would still be part of a wider neighbourhood, which could enable more local provision of community and specialised services, thereby reducing the need for the City residents to travel for treatment.   Officers agreed to discuss this further with Healthwatch, outside of the meeting.


  • There was currently just one City resident on the Patient Panel and, in order to fully articulate the City’s needs, Members would like to see this increased.


  • There were currently three City of London Corporation Members on the Integrated Commissioning Board, as a Sub Committee of the Community and Children’s Services Committee. 


  • Work was underway on cross-border issues and their importance in terms of the development of integrated care in the City of London.