Agenda item

City Health Worker Research

 A  presentation from Public Health.


Members received a presentation from the Public Health Team which covered  recent research into the health and wellbeing needs of City of London workers.  Member noted that, going forward, this work would inform the Joint Strategic Needs Assessment (JSNA) and help the City Corporation to engage with employees.  The Head of Corporate Strategy and Performance advised that, as part of the Leaders of Tomorrow Business of Trust Alumni, research would take place into how best to engender a culture of trust within City businesses and offered to share the findings with the Board.  Members asked if the slides from this presentation could be circulated. There was also discussion about the impact of modern workplace practices, such as the increasing use of technology, flexible and agile working on workers’ health and wellbeing.


NB.  Subsequent to the meeting, officers discussed how the recent City of London Corporation Staff Survey had covered the above issues.  The findings had been circulated to Chief Officers, for discussion in senior leadership and team meetings, and action plans were being produced for the areas with the lowest satisfaction rates.