Agenda item

Appointment of the Social Investment Board

a)    Resolution of the Investment Committee of 16 May 2019;


b)    Note of the Town Clerk setting out the composition, quorum and terms of reference of the Board;


c)    Membership of the Social Investment Board 2019/20; and


d)    Co-option protocol for the Financial, Property and Social Investment Boards.


To be confirmed at the meeting of the Investment Committee on 16 May 2019


The Board noted the resolution of the Investment Committee meeting held on 16 May 2019, appointing the Board and approving its composition, membership, frequency of meetings and terms of reference. The Board also approved the reappointment of existing co-optees for the existing year.


RESOLVED – That Elizabeth Corrado and Laura Tumbridge be reappointed as Co-opted Members of the Board for the ensuing year.

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