Agenda item

Appointment of Co-Opted Members

The Chair to be heard.


The Chair noted that no formal expressions of interest had been submitted to the Town Clerk ahead of 31 May 2019 deadline, but that she was aware of two Members of the Court of Common Council who wished to serve as co-opted Members, namely James Tumbridge, who had served on the Committee during 2018/19, and Caroline Addy.


Members agreed that, in light of his contribution to the work of the Committee during the past year, James Tumbridge should be co-opted for 2019/20 subject to confirmation of his willingness to serve.


Members discussed the co-option of Caroline Addy, noting her skills and experience as a junior Counsel with One Brick Court Chambers and Doughty Street Chambers. Members were mindful that, in light of the co-option of Mr Tumbridge, the co-option of Ms Addy would ensure an appropriate balance of diversity on the Committee particularly with regards to gender.


RESOLVED, that subject to their willingness to serve, James Tumbridge and Caroline Addy be co-opted on to the Professional Standards and Integrity Committee of the Police Authority Board for 2019/20.