Agenda item

COL Sport and Physical Activity Strategy 2019-23

Report of the Head of Corporate Strategy and Performance


Members considered a report of the Head of Corporate Strategy and Performance concerning the City of London Corporation’s Sport and Physical Activity Strategy for 2019-23.


  • A  Member was very concerned that this was the proposed final version as a number of relevant Committees had not inputted into the Strategy and their Chairmen and Deputy Chairmen had not been properly consulted.


  • Members voiced concern over the timelines of the report with the final decision to be taken by the Policy & Resources Committee (P&R) on 4 July 2019. It was felt that the timelines were not appropriate as they would not leave enough time for valuable input from every relevant Committee.


  • The Chairman noted that the Strategy covered a significant period of time (2019-23) and therefore the objectives needed to be right.


  • The Head of Corporate Strategy and Performance stated that similar comments had been received from other Committees agreeing that the front page was confusing based on standard report language. She clarified that whilst the report stated For Information, this meeting was an opportunity for the Committee to input into the Strategy.


  • Members were advised that two extra informal meetings had been arranged to follow consultation with all Committees: 1) a breakfast briefing chaired by the Chair of Policy & resources (CPR) on 28 June 2019 whereby all interested parties would be invited to attend and discuss the Strategy and 2) a meeting with experienced co-optees, the Chairman of the Hampstead Heath, Highgate Wood & Queen’s Park Committee, Deputy Chairman of the Epping Forest & Commons Committee and the Chairman of the Hampstead Heath Sports Advisory Forum.


  • It was noted that the Town Clerk and Assistant Town Clerk had deemed it appropriate to take the final report incorporating all feedback from Committees back to the Public Relations & Economic Development Committee (PRED) for a second round of input before taking it to P&R for a final decision which would now be delayed until September. The report would not be brought back to all Committees.


  • The Chairman did not find this approach appropriate and felt that the report should be taken to all relevant Committees again with the fuller content for a second round of consultation. Several Members supported the Chairman’s sentiments and questioned the urgency to finalise the Strategy without full consultation.


  • It was noted that the Hampstead Heath Sports Advisory Forum met on 10 June 2019 and should be included.    


  • A Member stated that the Strategy as a whole was broad and vague, but that paragraphs 5b and 5c were ungrammatical and were statements not objectives. He felt that the objectives needed to be measurable and tangible. The Member supported the sentiment of the Corporation’s three key outcomes but questioned whether the Corporation supported the business of sport which had huge revenues and international tourism and was not clearly captured within the Strategy. It was noted that Hampstead Heath had links and connections with big sporting teams and hosted international events which should be captured.    


·         With regards to paragraph 9f, Members requested more detail on the action plan that would support the implementation of the Strategy.


  • The Deputy Chair was supportive of a Sport Strategy but felt that Members needed to understand the scope of the Strategy. She noted that the sports facilities across the Corporation’s Open Spaces, the provision of sport and the role of these services for London were not addressed in the report along with the different residents that used them. The Chairman agreed these services and interactions needed to be promoted.


  • There was concern that the Strategy suggested that the Corporation only carried out hospitality for elite events and did not highlight the significant support of national and international sporting events hosted by the Heath and other City of London Open Spaces, e.g. the English Cross Country events and the Night of 10,000m PB’s.


·         A Member indicated that the Strategy should refer to the work the City of London Corporation undertakes with other London Boroughs as well as the amazing sporting facilities across the Open Spaces and the support for grass roots sports.


·         In relation to paragraph 6, a Member indicated that more detail was needed regarding the City of London Corporation’s support for bids across the UK.


  • A Member noted there was a background paper listed at the end of the report but felt that further benchmarking was required.


·         Members discussed the funding and resourcing implications and the lack of understanding surrounding this. A Member stated that the Finance Committee would not approve additional funding and that Departments were expected to work within their budgets. It was noted that with proper governance and airtime, the Committee could lobby for additional funding. Members indicated that the Strategy needed to determine the priorities for funding and resources taking account of the Fundamental Review.


  • In response to queries regarding the new Sports Engagement Manager position, Members were advised that the role was to support sporting events and push the sporting agenda. It was agreed that the job description would be circulated to Members.


  • Members requested that the feedback from all Committees be circulated in advance of the breakfast briefing. A Member noted that some Members found it difficult to attend breakfast briefings and requested that written comments on the Strategy also be accepted. 


  • It was agreed that the Chairman and Deputy Chair would communicate directly with the CPR expressing the Committee’s view that the Strategy could not be endorsed as it did not go far enough and to recommend that a second round of consultation with all relevant Committees be included in the process to ensure the Strategy was inclusive and correct.   


RESOLVED – That the Chairman and Deputy Chair communicate with the Chair of Policy & Resources to express the Committee’s view that the Strategy cannot be endorsed and make a recommendation for a second round of consultation with all relevant committees. 


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