Agenda item

Any Other Business that the Chairman Considers Urgent


There was one item of urgent business –


Waterproofing Exhibition Halls 1 & 2


A Member asked for officers to look in more detail about any waterproofing that was required to be carried out on Exhibition Halls 1 & 2 on Beech Street and whether this needed to be looked at more urgently than the end of the fundamental review. Members discussed different options of how the waterproofing works could be undertaken and it was agreed that officers should look at this in more detail and come back to Members with recommendations in due course. In the interim, the Director of Major Projects explained that the investigations of options may occur additional consultancy costs, therefore Members agreed that these costs could be considered under delegated authority to the Town Clerk in consultation with the Chair and Deputy Chairman.



·         Officers look at options of how the waterproofing works on Exhibition Halls 1&2 could be undertaken, reporting back to this Sub-Committee in due course;

·         Any additional consultancy costs incurred during the Summer be considered under delegated authority to the Town Clerk in consultation with the Chair and Deputy Chairman.