Agenda item

Outstanding Actions

Report of the Town Clerk.


The Sub Committee considered a schedule of outstanding actions. Members discussed the presentation of the schedule and suggested that a standard template for reporting outstanding actions should be produced for all Committees. This should include a unique reference for each action, a target date for completion and an indication of priority.


Officers informed Members that the Community and Children’s Services department Commissioning Strategy update would be considered at the Efficiency and Performance Sub Committee meeting on 30 January 2013. Members requested that this be reflected in the schedule.


The Chamberlain provided an update in relation to the IS review informing Members that, following agreement by the Information Systems Sub Committee and Finance Committee, a major procurement exercise was currently taking place to determine the best and most cost effective way of delivering IS services. This would be conducted through OJEU procedures and would be weighted at 65% quality, 35% price.


Officers informed the Sub Committee that the Improved Co-ordination project had created a more joined up approach across services including improved use of the Corporation’s CRM database and use of a centralised Corporation diary.


Members noted that the Guildhall School of Music & Drama items were marked as closed in light of the report at Item 9 on this agenda.


RESOLVED: That the classification of actions as “closed” or “open” (as per the schedule in the report) be approved.

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