Agenda item

Transformation and Efficiency Boards update

Joint report of the Deputy Town Clerk and the Chamberlain.


Members considered an update report on the work of the Transformation Board and the Efficiency Board since the last meeting of the Sub Committee.


With regards to the Transformation Board, the Deputy Town Clerk informed Members that a presentation from the Director of Community and Children’s Services on the Commissioning Strategy had been very well received.

The Deputy Town Clerk also informed Members that the following four projects had been approved since the Strategic Opportunities Workshop:


1.    “Top 100” Managers – promoting leadership and managerial behaviour and skills. HR were also investigating succession planning for middle management;

2.    Demand Management – controlling service requests from colleagues to ensure work is allocated appropriately and completed to a high standard;

3.    Digital by Default – for example, using technology to make information more accessible;

4.    Ways of Working – for example, enabling better cross-directorate collaboration.


The Deputy Town Clerk advised the Sub Committee that these projects would progress through the City Corporation’s approval process and an update would be provided in the New Year. One Member noted that the Demand Management project should consider the possibility of internal recharging.


Members noted the significant progress made within the Department of Community and Children’s Services under the current Director and hoped that improvements would continue following her imminent departure.


With regards to the Efficiency Board, the Chamberlain informed Members that the PP2P strategic project in relation to the City of London Procurement Service was on schedule to deliver the three planned waves of work by March 2013.


In respect of the triggers for departmental reporting, the Sub Committee noted that no issues had arisen since they were agreed at the last meeting. However, the National Audit Office was due to issue its next local government study on Financial Stability before Christmas, and the results of Corporation benchmarking studies were also due which may have an impact on the triggers. The Chairman reminded Members that the triggers would be reviewed in six months to ensure they were fit for purpose.



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