Agenda item


To agree the public minutes of the meeting held on 24 April 2013 (copy attached).


The public minutes of the meeting held on 24 April 2013 were approved as a correct record subject to the following amendments:


Page 2, paragraph 2 – amend ‘…offset b he fact…’ to ‘…by the fact…’


Page 3, paragraph 4 – amend ‘comment’ to ‘common’.


Page 3, paragraph 7 – amend ‘Chairman’ to ‘Manager’.


Page 4, paragraph 2 – amend ‘…face facility…’ to ‘…facility…’


Matters Arising

Highgate Wood Restructure

The Superintendent stated that budgets had been set for 2014/15 and that it was likely that further reductions were possible following the 2015 national elections. 



The Manager noted that he was in discussion with the café operator to turn part of the terrace area into a dedicated are for dogs and dog owners. The Superintendent added that any proposal would first be submitted to the Highgate Wood Joint Consultative Committee for its views.


In response to an observation from a member regarding the aesthetic value of such an area, the Manager noted that any proposal had to be considered in the context of the overall profitability of the café, given the limitations imposed on its operations by the dated building design and small kitchen. He added that any outdoor terrace area would likely be designed to encourage patrons to use the area outside the café in order to maximise space for service indoors. Furthermore, in terms of its aesthetics the outdoor area would be improved during 2014.


Supporting documents: