Agenda item

Health and Safety Management Performance 2011/12

Report of the Commissioner (copy attached).


The Committee received a report of the Commissioner advising Members of progress made in developing and applying health and safety policy throughout the Force during the period 2011/12.


The Director of Corporate Services advised that two issues at the Force currently sat on the Audit & Risk Management Committee’s health and safety “top ten” risk register, these being an issue relating to fire risks in certain police buildings and another regarding airwave radio coverage in the Liverpool Street Station area. Assurances were given that good progress was being made in resolving these issues.


A Member expressed concern that this information had not been provided in the executive summary of the report, stressing that a separate verbal introduction to every report was neither desirable nor should it be necessary. He further noted that reference was made to some sixteen actions for the Force to undertake which were at no point set out or explained, which was clearly not conducive to allowing efficient scrutiny to take place. It was also noted that there was no context or comparative numbers from other Forces or similar sized organisations provided to allow the Committee to judge whether or not performance was good or bad.


The Chairman asked the Force to take on board Members’ comments and bear them in mind when producing future reports.





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