Agenda item

Election of Chairman

To elect a Chairman pursuant to Standing Order 29.           


The Committee proceeded to elect a Chairman in accordance with Standing Order No. 29.


The Comptroller & City Solicitor clarified that under the previous Standards arrangements the Chairman was required to be an Independent/Co-opted Member however this had now changed and any Member was able to stand for Chairmanship or Deputy Chairmanship. It was noted that the Co-opted Members and Independent Person did not have any voting rights and only Court of Common Council Members were able to exercise their vote in the event of a ballot.


The Town Clerk read out a list of Members eligible to stand as Chairman. Two Members indicated their willingness to serve and a ballot was taken.


The results were as follows:


Matthew Richardson   3

Julian Malins               3


The Chair took a decision by lot and Matthew Richardson was duly elected Chairman for the ensuing year, and took the Chair.