Agenda item

Action for Children Annual Survey

Report of the Director of Community and Children’s Services.



 Members received a report of the Director of Community and Children’s Services in respect of the Action for Children Annual Survey, which had been completed between April and July 2019.  Members noted that the report had also been considered by the Safeguarding Sub Committee on 3rd October 2019.  The Survey had identified that, overall, children and families were happy with the service they received and looked after young people and care leavers had good relationships with their social workers. 


In response to questions, the following points were noted:


  • Some misunderstanding of the terminologies for Independent Reviewing Officer (IRO) and Virtual Teacher had been clarified.


  • Personal safety awareness is included in Service Development Plans and social workers worked with young people individually about staying safe.  However, some looked after children (LACs) and unaccompanied asylum seeking children (UASC) were not used to living in a City, which could contribute to their feeling unsettled. 


  • Survey Monkey had been unpopular, so alternatives were being considered and the timing of surveys was also an important factor.  Members noted that face-to-face was preferred but not always possible and it was important for surveys to be independent of social care providers. 


  • There wasn’t an explicit  policy in respect of providing accommodation above ground level, which was generally considered safer in City areas. However, accommodation options were considered on a case by case basis and officers agreed to ensure this issue would be considered when carrying out placement finding.  Members were reassured that, whilst finding good quality placements could be  challenging, placement quality was subject to monitoring by the Commissioning and Safeguarding and Quality Assurance Services  as well as the social workers themselves.


  • The LAC Welcome Bags contained the ‘City’s Pledge’ and the Care Leaver Policy (which sets out the entitlement and care leaver offer) was also available in an easy read format on the Internet.  The Commissioning Service also set out requirements for the provider agencies to ensure all key documentation, required to support planning for the young people, is held by the agencies.


  • Officers confirmed that all semi-independent living providers were checked and quality assured to ensure that, amongst a range of services, support was provided  for young people in registering with GP services. 


RESOLVED, That – the report be noted.



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