Agenda item

Integrity Dashboard and Code of Ethics Update

Report of the Commissioner.


Members considered an update report of the Commissioner regarding the Integrity Dashboard and the Code of Ethics and the following points were made.


Integrity Dashboard 2019/20 Q2


·         The Chair commented that much of the data within the dashboard related to historic cases and this should be clarified in future iterations of the dashboard. Moreover, indicators should be given more clarity on how they related to ethics.


·         In response to a question, the Head of Strategic Development confirmed that the data regarding Leaning and Development indicators was satisfactory and that percentage data would be clarified in future reports.


·         In response to a question, the Head of Professional Standards noted that the 15 officers trained in Stop and Search represented new arrivals to the Force.


·         The Assistant Commissioner confirmed that it was possible for officers to fail courses.


·         The Head of Strategic Development noted that random drug testing had recently been transferred from Learning & Development to the Professional Standards Directorate and completed.


Police Integrity Development and Delivery Plan Report 2019/20 – November 2019 Update


·         In response to a question, the Head of Strategic Development noted that peer review results were forthcoming that would inform the Force’s decision on whether to take part in the ‘Ethical Drift’ survey.


·         In response to a question, the Head of Strategic Development noted that peer review of organisational integrity arrangements was part of an ongoing network offer.


RESOLVED, that the report be received.

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