Agenda item


To agree the public minutes of the meeting held on 21 November 2012 (copy attached).


The public minutes and summary of the meeting held on Wednesday 21 November 2012 were approved as a correct record, subject to the following amendment:


Page 3, paragraph 1 to read – Members asked officers to acknowledge that this decay would continue in their newsletters and to include the information on work being performed to prevent it.


Matters Arising

Local Nature Reserve Status – The Superintendent stated that he felt an application by Highgate Wood for Local Nature Reserve Status was superfluous and could potentially undermine the legal guarantees currently provided by the 1886 Act.


Sustainability – The Highgate Wood Manager stated that the new waste contractor was conducting their first visit on 25 April.  The Superintendent stated that, whilst costs were slightly higher given the expense of incinerating waste versus sending it to landfill, this was offset by the fact incineration is more sustainable in the long term and that there was potential for cost savings on future contracts.


Infrastructure and Buildings – The Highgate Wood Manager reported that one remaining section (30-40m in length) of fencing remained to be installed along the Muswell Hill Road and that this would be completed this year.



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