Agenda item

Cycle Hire Scheme - Phase II Outturn and Further Intensification in the City


Consideration was given to a report of the Director of the Built Environment which provided a formal update on the Cycle Hire Scheme (CHS).  The report also provided details for all of the sites in the City and included information on the operational functionality as well as analysis of collision data.


Concern was expressed regarding the need to relocate the cycle site at Houndsditch as part of the Aldgate Strategy Plan and additional storage required for excess bicycles.  The Director advised that Officers had protected the Corporation’s position in this matter by formal agreement requiring TfL to meet the cost should any movement of the Houndsditch cycle site become necessary in future as a consequence of the Aldgate Strategy delivery. 



i)                 The construction of the four additional sites which received planning permission as part of Phase II but were not implemented, there being at Houndsditch, Bouverie Street, John Carpenter Street and St Bride Street be agreed subject to all reasonable costs being met by TfL and comments made by members as above; and

ii)                The Comptroller and City Solicitor be authorised to update any legal agreement (the “S.8/S.101 Agreement”) to reflect any additional sites.

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