Agenda item

National Planning Policy Framework and Neighbourhood Planning - implications for the City of London's Open Spaces

Report of the Director of Open Spaces (copy attached).


Members considered a report of the Director of Open Spaces that outlined the implications of the National Planning Policy Framework to the City.


Members discussed whether the City should submit representatives to sit on Neighbourhood Forums. Neighbourhood Forums could submit planning applications relevant to a Forum's local planning authority, however it remained unclear as to whether this power extended to the City of London's Open Spaces function. A policy could be developed on whether to oppose or support the inclusion of City of London Open Spaces within Neighbourhood Forum areas, although ultimately this would be a matter for the planning authority.


Concerns were expressed about the inclusion of the City's Open Spaces, given the other legislative provisions applying to these sites. The Chairman advised that this matter required more detailed consideration and a decision regarding this matter should be made at a later date.


Members noted that the Superintendents were currently required to undertake a considerable amount of work in monitoring planning applications made near open spaces and challenging applications where appropriate. The Department of the Built Environment’s planning expertise was currently dedicated to matters relating to the City’s Corporation’s role as the local planning authority for the City. Considering the current capacity and workload required (and costs involved) Members agreed that a report should be submitted to the Policy & Resources Committee regarding this matter.



i)      That Members support an approach to the Greater London Authority to both review the report and consider the most appropriate way of amending existing policies in order to address the concerns raised in the report.

ii)     That Members agree to officers engaging with the All London Green Grid initiatives to identify ways in which greater recognition can be achieved for the Corporation’s Open Spaces.

iii)    That Members agree that the City should not seek to achieve Statutory Consultee status for planning applications.

iv)   A report be submitted to the Policy & Resources Committee that would: highlight the Superintendents' current use of resources on local planning matters, address issues concerning the legal status of Neighbourhood Forums' powers in relation to key legislation and make suggestions as to what the City's Open Spaces’ relationship with neighbourhood forums should be.

v)    efforts should be made to engage with the County and District local planning authorities surrounding the City's Open Spaces so that, as far as possible, we become aware of any Neighbourhood Forum proposals affecting the Open Spaces, and any potential implications.


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