Agenda item

Queen Elizabeth II Fields

Report of the Director of Open Spaces (copy attached).


The Committee received a report of the Director of Open Spaces relative to the City Gardens' response to the Queen Elizabeth II Fields Challenge.


The Superintendent advised that the proposed unveiling ceremony could take place on the day of the Christmas Tree lighting up ceremony and that the possibility of the Lord Mayor formally unveiling the garden would be investigated.



i)      the new garden on the site of St. Paul's Cathedral coach park be recognised as the Queen's Diamond Jubilee Garden;

ii)     Members note that the Queen's Diamond Jubilee Garden and Tower Hill Garden have been dedicated as Queen Elizabeth II Fields;

iii)    Members agree that officers should continue to pursue opportunities for recognising the Queen's Diamond Jubilee Garden through an unveiling ceremony (or similar) and potential sources of funding be identified in conjunction with the Chamberlain.


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