Agenda item

55 Moorgate - Section 278 Public Realm and Highway Improvements

Report of the Director of the Built Environment


The Sub Committee considered a report of the Director of the Built Environment regarding the delivery of public realm enhancements to Nun Court and the surrounding footway of the development at 55 Moorgate. The Director of the Built Environment introduced the report for Members.


RESOLVED – That the Streets & Walkways Sub Committee agree:


  1. That additional budget totalling £299,385 is approved to progress with the implementation of the project, funded by a Section 278 Agreement with the developer and to reach the next Gateway. This is inclusive of any underspends from the previous gateway.


  1. Authority to start work be granted subject to completion of the Section 278 Agreement and receipt of full funding from the developer;


  1. Approval is given for City officers to publish proposals in relation to any necessary traffic orders or other consents to implement the project as described in this report. (Traffic orders will be necessary to relocate parking bays outside the development on Coleman Street);


  1. Delegated authority be given to the Director of Transportation and Public Realm to consider any objections to the traffic orders detailed in this report given the minor infraction of relocating existing traffic bays a few metres south of their current location;


  1. Delegated authority be given to the Assistant Director of City Public Realm and Head of Finance to adjust the project budget between staff costs, fees and works providing the overall budget is not exceeded beyond standard tolerances in accordance with the Section 278 agreement.

Supporting documents: