Issue - meetings


Meeting: 19/10/2020 - Hampstead Heath Consultative Committee (Item 7)

7 Superintendent's Update pdf icon PDF 32 KB

Report of the Superintendent of Hampstead Heath.

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Members considered an update report of the Superintendent regarding Highgate Wood and the following comments were made:


·         The Superintendent was conscious of staff fatigue after a difficult year and thanked all staff for their ongoing support and hard work. Thanks was echoed by Members of the Committee.


·         In relation to the Constabulary, Members were informed that there was a recognisable change in how open spaces were being used with more people gathering in them socially. Gatherings as large as 80-100 of mainly young adults were experienced at the Heath throughout the summer and Rangers applied the four E’s approach of Engage, Explain, Encourage, Enforce to manage groups. The Constabulary continue to engage with the MET who have provided ongoing support to enforce Government guidelines.


·          The Superintendent updated Members on four planning applications:


o   Ivy House monopole. The application has been refused on the basis that the monopole and equipment would, by reason of their size, siting and appearance, appear as prominent and visually obtrusive features within the street scene and reduce the effective width of the pavement and would therefore have significant adverse impact on the character and visual amenities of the surrounding area.

o   Boncara, 35 Templewood. A planning representation had been made regarding the basement and its impact on a nearby veteran tree.

o   Jack Straws Castle. A planning representation was submitted by the City Corporation regarding the impact of massing, traffic and parking.

o   Lido Temporary Fence. Members were advised that Camden had requested additional information concerning the City Corporation’s application for a temporary fence for three months per year for the Lido.

o   The Water House. The works have now completed.

o   The Garden House. The City Corporation has responded to the application concerning drainage concerns.

o   Jack Straws Castle. It was confirmed that

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Meeting: 27/01/2020 - Hampstead Heath Consultative Committee (Item 6)

6 Superintendent's Update pdf icon PDF 79 KB

Report of the Superintendent of Hampstead Heath.

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Additional documents:


Members considered an update report of the Superintendent and the following points were made:


Management Framework


·         With regards to Appendix 1, Members were advised that the updated AWP covered all disciplines and cyclical work and all shaded items were new. Members were invited to provide feedback to the Superintendent via email.


·         A Member (Highgate Society) inquired whether there was consideration over the conditions for hedgehogs and the improvement of ecological corridors to renew wildlife at the Heath. The Member felt that Local Authorities and landowners should be engaged on this issue to maximise the value of spaces for wildlife. The Superintendent informed Members that the City Corporation monitored and submitted representations against local planning applications. There was also ongoing monitoring work and an outreach programme led by the Heath’s Conservation Team and Ecologist including local allotments, neighbouring landowners, golf courses, etc. 


·         In response to a query (Clubs using facilities on the Heath) concerning the poor condition of the cricket pitch, Members were advised that the cricket squares and grass/turfing had been affected by the particularly wet autumn and winter and improvement works  would take place in spring when the weather improved.


City Surveyors Cyclical Work Programme


·         The Superintendent updated Members that a major investment had been secured for a 12-week programme of works which would be followed by the toilet refurbishment project.


East Heath Car Park (A DP5)


·         Members were advised that funding had been secured for this project and tending companies were being approached. Resurfacing work was due to commence following the Whitsun Fair. 




·         North Fairground Site 2017/4346/P. Members were advised that the planning application appeal was dismissed by the Inspector. The Superintendent thanked the Heath & Hampstead Society and the London Borough of Camden for their support.


·         Officers are investigating land use for clarity in the future as

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