Issue - meetings

Hampstead Heath Extension Consultation (To Follow)

Meeting: 19/10/2020 - Hampstead Heath Consultative Committee (Item 8)

8 Draft Hampstead Heath Ponds and Wetlands Plan pdf icon PDF 87 KB

Report of the Director of Open Spaces.


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Additional documents:


Members considered a report of the Director of Open Spaces providing an update on the Hampstead Heath Ponds and Wetlands Plan.


Members were advised that a previous report was submitted in April 2018 providing a draft outline of the proposed approach to preparing this document. This was renamed the Ponds and Wetlands Plan and picked up the various pond management issues including desilting, ecological impacts and climate change.


The Superintendent sought wider discussion and engagement with Members on the draft Ponds and Wetland Plan and Members were encouraged to provide written comments by 2 November 2020. This feedback would be incorporated into the final strategy to be considered by the Hampstead Heath, Highgate Wood and Queen’s Park Committee in November.


The following comments were made by Members:


·         The Heath and Hampstead Society supported what they regarded to be a well written proposed strategy and felt that PR guidance would be beneficial.


·         A Member (Highgate Conservation Area Advisory Committee) felt that the safety of wild waterfowl should be prioritised noting there had been some incidents of attacks by dogs swimming in the ponds. Members agreed more could be done to protect wildlife and it was recommended that Wildfowl Legislation be used to assist rules concerning the proper control of dogs. It was noted that there was a code in place for dog walkers in place.


·         A Member (Marylebone Birdwatching Society) noted that dogs were swimming over to the Boating Pond island which needed to be protected. It was suggested that the southside path be fenced off, so visitors only used the path via the dam. Officers confirmed that there were aspirational plans to remove the walkway to the island and protect the natural conservation.


·         Injury to swans by angling was reported at the Sports Forum. Members were advised that the Ranger

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Meeting: 27/01/2020 - Hampstead Heath Consultative Committee (Item 10)

10 Hampstead Heath Extension Consultation pdf icon PDF 104 KB

Report of the Superintendent of Hampstead Heath.


 ...  view the full agenda text for item 10

Additional documents:


Members received a report of the Director of Open Spaces providing an update and the outcome of an engagement and consultation process regarding the use of the Hampstead Heath Extension Annex Room that is attached to the public toilet building.


A Member (Hampstead Rugby Club) noted that there was a lack of facilities on the extension and welcomed a kiosk over a café. In response to whether the Rugby Club would be able to use the facility to prepare tea and coffee, the Superintendent confirmed that it would be written into the specs to allow provision for the Cricket and Rugby Clubs to use for refreshments. The Superintendent also agreed to explore possible menu options for the Clubs.    


A Member (Hampstead Garden Suburb Residents' Association) was concerned that a café would create an environmental impact and would only support a flagship environmentally friendly kiosk facility with non-permanent furniture that could be put away. With regards to the annex room, the Member suggested an interpretation centre.   


RESOLVED – That Members:-


·         Provide feedback on the report findings (appendix 2);


·         Provide feedback on the Superintendent’s recommendation to proceed with a tender for the lease of the Annex Room as a refreshment room, as set out in para 20.


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