Covid-19 Update
Oral update on the latest position.
The Committee received a verbal update from the Superintendent relating to issues and matters concerning the Covid-19 pandemic. The following comments were made:
· The Superintendent gave thanks the now Deputy Chairman on behalf of the Team for her support during her chairmanship.
· The Superintendent thanked all staff for their ongoing hard work throughout the lockdown to keep Hampstead Heath, Highgate Wood and Queen’s Park open to the public as they had become of more significant importance to the physical and mental health of all that used it. It was noted that just the local communities were using the open spaces at the beginning of the lockdown which had been much easier to manage and share safety protocol with the public. However, since 13 May 2020, the numbers were now significantly larger, and waste was a key issue.
· Regarding communications, social media remained a quick and proactive way of engaging with the public and receiving information about incidents on the ground.
· All of the Heath’s carparks have been opened to the public and discussions continue with the NHS for a phased withdrawal from the Fairground site.
· Waste and recycling continue to be a huge issue and was now considered an emergency response requiring £18k. Messaging has continued to call on the public to take their rubbish home.
· A Member highlighted that litter was a huge issue across all of the City Corporation’s Open Spaces with lots of people being at home/not at school/the desire to go out/alcohol/etc creating a “perfect storm”. Staff on the ground were commended for all of their efforts; however, the Member did not feel that staff should be responsible for clearing up the huge quantities of rubbish left every day which was a big commitment and suggested banning bins completely.
· The Member felt the public needed to
Covid-19 Update
The Committee received a verbal update from the Superintendent relating to issues and matters concerning the Covid-19 pandemic. The following comments were made:
· The Superintendent noted that there were some changes following the Prime Minister’s announcement on Sunday 10 May 2020. However, health and keeping staff and the public safe remained of significant importance and it was acknowledged how important the Heath remained to the physical and mental health of all that used it.
· Two carparks have been opened (Jack Straw and Lido) and negotiations were ongoing to open the East Heath parking.
· With regards to staff, the emergency roster continues to be reviewed to protect staff, but the next stage is due to be implemented.
· The Team are in the process of rolling out changes including new signage and where people are permitted to cycle. The new style dog bins are also being introduced. Messaging advising the public to take waste home has received a good response and will continue.
· Members were advised that the Cafés have opened offering a takeaway service only which had received a mixed response. Officers continue to liaise with tenants and how the City Corporation can support them.
· The Constabulary have continued to engage with people not adhering to social distancing regulations. An ongoing matter has been dealing with use of the Heath as a public sex environment and the Constabulary continue to work with the MET, LGBT+ stakeholders and the local community to address this risk.
· High winds on 10 May 2020 caused a number of trees to be blown over or lose branches. These have been made safe and will remain where they have naturally fallen.
· Contractors have today begun their second OPM spray of trees. Contractors will resume works to the public toilets and repairs to the paths and fences on