Election of Chairman
To elect a Chairman in accordance with Standing Order 29.
RESOLVED, that - in accordance with Standing Order 29, and being the only Member willing to serve, Graham Packham be elected as Chairman for 2021/22.
The most senior Common Council member present read a vote of the thanks to the outgoing Chairman and it moved by Deputy David Bradshaw, seconded by Graham Packham and RESOLVED, that - at the conclusion of her term of office as Chairman of the Board of Governors of the Guildhall School of Music & Drama, Governors and Colleagues wish to convey to their sincere thanks and appreciation to:
THE SCHOOL HAS BEEN SO FORTUNATE TO HAVE HAD SUCH A COMMITTED CHAIRMAN FOR THE LAST THREE YEARS. Under Vivienne’s chairmanship, the School achieved Gold in the Teaching Excellence Awards and has been recognised as Number One Conservatoire in the UK.
WORKING TIRELESSLY TO SUPPORT THE SCHOOL, BY CHAMPIONING ITS STAFF AND STUDENTS, Vivienne has fought hard to ensure its high level of achievements and ongoing success, as well as seeking the best amenity for performance and study. Even before Vivienne was Chairman, she offered to be the point of contact between the Student Union and the Board.
VIVIENNE’S ATTENDANCE RECORD AT STUDENTS’ PERFORMANCES AND PRESENTATIONS HAS BEEN ASTOUNDING and she has been a great ambassador for our world-leading community of artists and practitioners. Her open and friendly demeanour mean that she has always taken time to engage with the students, making these interactions not just formal and official affairs, but ones which touched and related to them on a very personal level.
THE LAST 14 MONTHS OF VIVIENNE’S CHAIRMANSHIP PRESENTED SOME EXTREME CHALLENGES, due to the Covid-19 Pandemic. Vivienne’s unwavering commitment and support for the Principal and Executive Team has led the School to an ambitious vision for the future.