Issue - meetings

Appointments to Sub Committees

Meeting: 17/05/2021 - Board of Governors of the Guildhall School of Music and Drama (Item 6)

6 Appointments to Committees and Working Groups pdf icon PDF 137 KB

Report of the Town Clerk. 

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The Committee considered a report of the Town Clerk, which sought to appoint to the various Boards, Sub Committees and Portfolios.   Prior to the meeting, indicative memberships lists had been circulated and the Town Clerk advised that, in the event of ballots being necessary, they would take place immediately after the meeting, with the final appointments being approved under delegated authority by the Town Clerk, in consultation with the Chairman and Deputy Chairman of the Committee.


RESOLVED, that – the Terms of Reference and Appointments to the Committees and Working Parties of the Board of Governors of the Guildhall School of Music and Drama, for 2020/21, be approved as follows:


Audit & Risk Management Committee


                   Geoffrey Crossick (Chairman – appointed by the Board)

·        Randall Anderson – Deputy Chairman

·        Christopher Costigan

·        Michael Herington

·        Paula Haynes

·        Andrew Mayer





                   Finance & Resources Committee


·        Graham Packham (Chairman of the Board)

·        Vivienne Littlechild (Deputy Chairman of the Board)

·        George Abrahams

·        Simon Duckworth

·        Lew Hodges

·        Neil Greenwood


Governance & Effectiveness Committee


                   The membership of the Committee for 2020/21 was as follows


·        Maria Delgado (Chairman – appointed by the Membership of the Committee)

·        Vivienne Littlechild (Deputy Chairman)

·        Graham Packham

·        Lynne Williams

·        Jeremy Mayhew

·        Andrew Mayer

·        Geoffrey Crossick


                   Reference Sub Committee


                  At its meeting on 21st September 2020, the Board agreed that this be kept in abeyance.


                   Remuneration and Nominations Committee


                   The membership of the Remuneration and Nominations Committee in 2020/21 was as follows:


·        Vacancy (Chairman) -   Neil Greenwood has indicated a willingness to fill this vacancy following the resignation of the past Chairman.  The Chairman is appointed by the Membership of the Committee

·        Graham Packham (Deputy Chairman)

·        Randall Anderson

·        Jeremy Mayhew

·        David Bradshaw   

·        Simon Duckworth

·        Vivienne Littlechild   

·        Andy Taylor


[Note a Remuneration Committee should have a majority of independent members; in this instance this means independent of

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