Remuneration and Nominations Committee - 21st April 2021
9 Remuneration and Nominations Committee - 21st April 2021 PDF 82 KB
The Chairman had agreed to accept an urgent item of business in respect of an action arising from the last meeting of the Committee:
Board of Governors Co-opted Role: Description and Person specification - Report of the Principal, Guildhall School of Music and Drama
The Board considered a report of the Principal and noted that the Board of Governors was currently holding a vacancy for a Co-opted Governor. Following a discussion at the Remuneration & Nominations Committee, it was proposed that a revised role descriptor be presented to the Board, to accompany the advertisement for that role. Given current needs within the School, expertise in equality and inclusion would be sought and this was set out in the person specification. The Dean and Secretary advised that recruitment would follow the process as set out in the ‘Recruitment for Co-opted Members - November 2019’ but the position would also be advertised on equality and inclusion related sites, as set out in attachment 1 to the report.
RESOLVED, That – the Role Descriptor and Person Specification for immediate advertising of the role, and selection and recruitment as set out in the process document, be approved.