Issue - meetings

HRA Commercial Tenants: Current tenant arrears and terms of repayment plans relating to Covid-19 rental support

Meeting: 16/07/2021 - Housing Management and Almshouses Sub (Community and Children's Services) Committee (Item 7)

7 Housing Revenue Account (HRA) Commercial Tenants: Current tenant arrears and terms of repayment plans relating to Covid-19 rental support pdf icon PDF 210 KB

Report of the Director of Community and Children’s Services.

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Additional documents:


The Sub Committee received a report, which had been approved by the Community and Children’s Services Committee, in respect of the assistance packages supporting the HRA commercial tenants during the COVID-19 pandemic for five quarters (March 2020 to March 2021). A summary of the assistance provided to tenants to date was set out in the non-public appendices at agenda item 13. The Chair asked for the Sub Committee to receive regular progress reports and for the next update to be added to November’s agenda.  


The City Surveyor’s officer advised that there were in excess of 60 HRA tenants and, when they apply for assistance, they are asked about the other forms of assistance already applied for.  Members noted that, if this wasn’t the case, then it would be difficult for the City Corporation to offer assistance from the HRA, which has limited resources.  The officer further advised that tenants had been reminded to apply, and a link to the web site had been included in communications.  Members were asked to note that the process was not being administered by the City Surveyor’s Corporate Property Group.  


The Assistant Director, Barbican and Property Services had written to all tenants and would be doing so again in terms of the extension of the deadline to 31st July 2021.  The Assistant Director agreed to work with the City Surveyor’s officer in drafting the reminder, to include the points raised above.  Members also noted that the Assistant Director had been making personal contact with local businesses but, in many cases, a manager had been on site and not the Leaseholder. 


RESOLVED, that – the report be noted.

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Meeting: 09/07/2021 - Community & Children's Services Committee (Item 7)

7 HRA Commercial Tenants: Current tenant arrears and terms of repayment plans relating to Covid-19 rental support pdf icon PDF 210 KB

Report of the Director of Community and Children’s Services.

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Additional documents:


The Committee considered a report of the Director of Community and Children’s Services in relation to the HRA Commercial Tenants: Current Tenant Arrears and Terms of Repayment Plans Relating to COVID-19 Rental Support.



RESOLVED, That – the Committee:

·         Delegate authority to the City Surveyor to agree best fit (shortest practical to achieve repayment) voluntary repayment plans from the options outlined in paragraph 6 of the 29th June 2021 Report to RASC and paragraph 5

·         Note that where tenants fail to engage, or agree voluntary repayment plans, this will lead to the City reconsidering the position post March 2022

·         Note that no further rent or service charge concessions (rent frees or deferrals) are recommended for this quarter

·         Note that any costs of repayment plans, including legal fees and any budget impact from repayment plans will need to be met from existing department budgets. However, the opportunity for budget holding departments to submit a business case to RASC for additional resources is proposed to continue to be available until at least September 2021


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