8 Hackney CVS (19011) Baobab Foundation (19019) PDF 268 KB
Report of the Managing Director of BHE
The Committee considered a report of the Managing Director of BHE requesting funding for phase two (incubation phase) of the development of the Baobab Foundation (Baobab), the first funder dedicated explicitly to growing, supporting, and strengthening groups and organisations led by and serving Black people and communities affected by racism and racial disparities in the UK.
The Managing Director of BHE introduced and presented the application, also setting out the process for onward approval to the BHE Board, should the Committee endorse the recommendations. The Chair commented that this was a complex piece of work, but an exciting opportunity and drew Members’ attention to the recommendations.
RESOLVED – That the Grants Committee of the BHE Board agree:
(i) The Baobab Foundation becomes a constituted organisation registered in a manner which meets City Bridge Trust’s