Issue - meetings

Young People Report

Meeting: 11/02/2022 - Community & Children's Services Committee (Item 28)

28 pdf icon PDF 190 KB


Meeting: 07/02/2022 - Safeguarding Sub (Community & Children's Services) Committee (Item 12)

12 Provision for Young People in the City of London pdf icon PDF 190 KB

Report of the Director of Community and Children’s Services.

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The Sub Committee received a report of the Director of Community and Children’s Services, which highlighted universal youth and play provision in the City of London. The report set out the services, aims, providers, quarter three (Q3) highlights, and the opportunities identified for improvement. Members noted that Portsoken data related to Quarter 2, as there had been a temporary gap in provision at Quarter 3 due to a change in provider.   The officer  gave assurance that the service is now being delivered weekly from the new community centre, and as stated in the report.


During the discussion on this item, the following points were noted:


a)       The high levels of poverty in Portsoken, together with  obesity and diabetes related health problems.  In the longer term, investment in health benefits would result in a saving, as many residents have no access to affordable gyms or sports facilities, and the school in Portsoken no longer has access to St Georges Swimming Pool.  The community also experiences language barriers and a lack of transport facilities to the West of the City.  Officers noted the cultural sensitivities, in respect of a lack of  provision of women-only swimming sessions, and Members were concerned that children might not be learning to swim.  Whilst school swimming programmes are part of the review, officers agreed to look at cross-borough opportunities.


b)       A new service is being developed and consultation had identified priority areas, such as the provision of  football, noting that previous attempts had failed due to the City Corporation not having a competitive youth football team or league.  The City’s Sports Development and Youth Service Review had specified the establishment of a club, noting that this would need a targeted piece of work with the Football Association.


c)       There is currently a good offer at the Golden

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