Issue - meetings


Meeting: 30/04/2024 - Planning and Transportation Committee (Item 7)


Report of the Town Clerk.

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The Committee considered a report of the Town Clerk concerning the appointment of its Sub-Committees, their composition and terms of reference.


Streets and Walkways Sub Committee

The Town Clerk announced that with nine Members expressing an interest in standing for the seven available spaces from the Planning and Transportation Committee, a ballot would be required.


The results of the first ballot were as follows:

Deputy Randall Anderson                   -           12

Mary Durcan                                       -           9

Deputy John Edwards                        -           9

Deputy Marianne Fredericks              -           8

Deputy Edward Lord                           -           7

Deputy Alastair Moss                         -           7

Eamonn Mullally                                  -           5

Hugh Selka                                         -           8

Ian Seaton                                           -           8


As there was a tie for the seventh place on the Sub-Committee, there was a second ballot held between those two members receiving an equality of votes for this place.


The results of the second ballot for seventh place were as follows:

Deputy Edward Lord                          -            3

Deputy Alastair Moss                         -            9


Successful Candidates after two rounds of voting:

Deputy Randall Anderson

Mary Durcan

Deputy John Edwards

Deputy Marianne Fredericks

Deputy Alastair Moss

Hugh Selka

Ian Seaton


Local Plans Sub-Committee

The Town Clerk announced that with five Members expressing an interest in standing for the five available spaces from the Planning and Transportation Committee, a ballot would not be required.


The Town Clerk stated that Officers proposed that responsibility for the consideration of changes to the Transport Strategy and Local Implementation Plan be moved to the Streets and Walkways Sub-Committee with the following line added into its terms of reference - To provide guidance and make recommendations on changes to the Transport Strategy and Local Implementation Plan (LIP) to the Grand Committee.


In line with Standing Order 27(2), the Chairman put forward nominees for the position of Chairman and Deputy Chairman of the sub-committees of

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