Issue - meetings

Children's Safeguarding Review

Meeting: 25/09/2015 - Safeguarding Sub (Community & Children's Services) Committee (Item 7)

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Report of the Director of Community & Children’s Services.

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The Sub-Committee received a report of the Director of Community and Children’s Services which provided an overview of the key service improvements that had been made in relation to safeguarding. Members discussed the report, noting that communicating the message through the right channels was vital to the success of safeguarding children.


How can the service ensure that the threshold is clear and understood by partners?


Officers advised members that there were a minimal number of referrals that were deemed NFA’s (no further action required). It was felt this was a sign that thresholds were clear to partners. Regular multi agency events had taken place to communicate threshold levels to partners, with a further event due to be held in January 2016. Officers advised that information could be found on the website and partners were regularly made aware through the work of the Early Help Sub group and the City Safeguarding Executive.


Members queried whether the low amount of NFA’s could be seen as a sign that borderline cases were not being referred to the authority. Officers explained that the configuration of the Early Help and Social Care teams under a single management line allowed for cases that were under the threshold to still be picked up by the service; all partners were encouraged to approach the service if unsure about a case.


It was felt that a recent rise in the number of referrals was due to a heightened awareness of safeguarding issues amongst partners, increased activity from the police and launching of the thresholds tool. The rise brought the City in line with it statistical neighbours. Members asked that additional information on referrals form part of future performance reporting.


What progress has been made on the recommendations of the last Ofsted Inspection?


Officers detailed the service improvements that had

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