Issue - meetings

Corporate Parenting Annual Report

Meeting: 25/09/2015 - Safeguarding Sub (Community & Children's Services) Committee (Item 8)

8 Corporate Parenting Annual Report pdf icon PDF 84 KB

Report of the Director of Community & Children’s Services.

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The Sub-Committee considered a report of the Director of Community and Children’s Services detailing Corporate Parenting developments, activity and performance for the year 2014-15. Members noted that majority of Children Looked After (CLA) in the City were unaccompanied asylum seekers. This cohort were more likely to be older and male compared to the CLA populations of other local authorities, and it was recognised that their profile is markedly different form that of the City’s wider population of children and young people.


How do the CLA numbers compare to those of other authorities and what does this say about the threshold levels?


Officers explained that although levels were slightly higher than London levels of CLA, the small size of the cohort meant that this variance was the equivalent of a single child. Quality assurance processes, both internal and independent indicated that the threshold levels had been applied appropriately in decisions to take children into care.


How has the consultation of CLA been used to improve the service?


Young people had asked for better information on their entitlements and a welcome pack was being developed with current CLA as a result. CLA were noted to be integral to the development of the Corporate Parenting Strategy and the City’s “pledge” to CLA. A report on consultation with young people would be coming to a future meeting of the Sub-Committee.


How many CLA are in placements that meet their ethnic or cultural needs?


The ethnic and cultural needs of the young people were assessed and efforts made to get placements with the closest cultural fit. The Corporation used independent fostering agencies to maximise the range and choice of potential placements to meet such needs. The suitability of the placements was reflected in their long term stability. In response to an enquiry by members, officers

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