Issue - meetings

Repairs and Maintenance to roofs/balconies following water penetration

Meeting: 18/03/2019 - Barbican Residential Committee (Item 10)

10 Barbican Estate Redecorations Programme 2020/25 - Gateway 3/4 Options Appraisal pdf icon PDF 112 KB

Report of the Director of Community and Children’s Services.


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Additional documents:


Members considered a report of the Director of Community and Children’s Services in respect of the Barbican Estate Redecorations Programme and noted that the RCC had favoured option 2, as set out in the report. 


Members noted an error in the report in that the standard of materials should be specified at the outset.  There was some discussion on the quality of paint used, which must be compliant with Listed Building regulations.  Officers explained that price was also considered and Members suggested that the specification should state either the product currently in use or another of an equivalent international standard.


RESOLVED, that -


1.     Option 2 as set out in the report be approved (i.e. to build upon the previous successful approach by procuring a single contractor for a 5-year programme of works) for proceeding to Procurement and Gateway 5.

2.     The Project Scope be expanded to include the internal redecoration of those six blocks removed from the expiring redecoration contract, due to the on-going uncertainty regarding the need to replace internal fire doors.

3.     An additional budget of £3,000 to reach the next Gateway be approved.


4.     The estimated total project budget of £3,037,500 - £3,375,000 be noted.




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Meeting: 04/03/2019 - Barbican Estate Residents Consultation Committee (Item 11)

11 Barbican Estate Redecorations Programme 2020/25 - Gateway 3/4 Options Appraisal pdf icon PDF 112 KB

Report of the Director of Community and Children’s Services.


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Additional documents:


Members received a report of the Director of Community and Children’s Services which sought approval, from the BRC, to a policy for Electric Vehicle Charging at the Barbican Estate from April 2019.


The Barbican Residential Committee is recommended to approve:


1.     That Option 2 is approved (ie to build upon the previous successful approach by procuring a single contractor for a 5-year programme of works) for proceeding to Procurement and Gateway 5 .

2.     That the project scope is to be expanded to include the internal redecoration of those six blocks removed from the expiring redecoration contract due to the ongoing uncertainty regarding the need to replace internal fire doors.


3.     That the estimated total project budget of £3,037,500 - £3,375,000 is noted.

4.     That an additional budget[PR1]  of £3,000 is approved to reach the next Gateway[PR2] .


 [PR1]Additional budget of 3k

 [PR2]If the scope is changing (which it appears to have done so) then I would make a specific recommendation to have Members approve the revised scope of the project. E.G that the revised scope is approved due to benefits of X

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