Venue: Committee Rooms, West Wing, Guildhall
Contact: Julie Mayer tel. no. 020 7332 1410 Email:
No. | Item |
Apologies Minutes: Apologies were received from Munsur Ali, Rehana Ameer, Caroline Haines, Rev. Stephen Haines, Alderman Alastair King, Alderman Bronek Masojada, Elizabeth Rogula, Sir Michael Snyder, Mark Wheatley and Dawn Wright.
Members' Declarations under the Code of Conduct in Respect of Items on the Agenda Minutes: Susan Pearson declared an interest in respect of agenda Item 10 – Fire Door Replacement Programme - by virtue of being a leaseholder on the Golden Lane Estate. Ms Pearson would be speaking but not voting on this report.
To approve the public minutes and non-public summary of the meeting held on 17th December 2021. Minutes: RESOLVED, that – the public minutes and non-public summary of the meeting held on 17th December 2021 be approved.
Outstanding Actions PDF 139 KB Members are asked to note the outstanding actions. Minutes: The Committee received the Outstanding Actions list.
DRAFT RESOLUTION FROM THE HOUSING MANAGEMENT AND ALMSHOUSES SUB COMMITTEE PDF 82 KB Members are asked to consider a draft Resolution from the Housing Management and Almshouses Sub Committee, to the Planning and Transportation and Policy and Resources Committees. Minutes: Before opening a discussion on this matter, the Chair made some observations and suggest a way forward. Members were reminded that the draft Resolution on the agenda, from the Housing Management and Almshouses Committee of 14th January 2022 to the Planning and Transportation and Policy and Resources Committees, referred to discussions and decisions taken at other committees, following members’ consideration of officer reports, recommendations and debate.
The Chair was concerned about an emerging culture which was attempting to circumvent decisions taken by Committees, by raising them at other Committees; thereby undermining the democratic process. Furthermore, the matter had been raised as an ‘Item of Other Business’ at the Housing Management and Almshouses Sub Committee, without notice, and the aftermath had taken up a disproportionate amount of Officer and Member time.
In terms of proposing a way forward, the Chair suggested that the Community and Children’s Services Committee should receive a report and presentation at their next meeting on 25th April 2022. Members would then be able to debate the impact of Section 106 funding on the Housing Revenue Account (HRA) and take an informed decision as to whether or not it would be appropriate to send a Resolution to another Grand Committee or Committees. The relevant Planning Officer would also be invited to answer questions about the Minories development. The Chair of the Policy and Resources Committee, also a Member of this Committee, supported the suggestion.
The Chair of the Housing Management and Almshouses Sub Committee (HMASC) thanked the Chair (of Community and Children’s Services Committee; i.e. – the Grand Committee) for her support in this matter. The Chair (of HMASC) was concerned that this situation might discourage other Members from chairing committees and, whilst everyone had a right to express and debate alternative views, it should be done |
Covid update Director of Public Health to be heard. Minutes: The Deputy Director of Public Health was heard and provided the following update:
1. Infections amongst City residents were stabilising following a rapid increase in December 2021, with 77 cases in the City in the week up to 2nd February 2022. There had been outbreaks in workplaces and entertainment venues but track and trace was focussing on areas with vulnerable residents, such as care homes. Whilst we are in a better position than last year, and Omicron is a more benign infection, rates are plateauing at a fairly high level. Hospital infection levels were down, with 75 beds currently occupied in Homerton and 4-7 patients a week requiring mechanical ventilation.
2. There are currently 5,300 residents fully vaccinated in the City, with 7,000 having received a 2nd vaccine and just over 8,200 having received their first. Portsoken had a lower uptake initially, due to the lack of a convenient vaccination centre, but this was addressed in December, leading to a 20% increase in uptake of first vaccines.
3. There will be a pop-up vaccination centre on 17-19th February in Mansell Street Car Park, with more are planned at Liverpool Street. The Boots Vaccination Centre on Fleet Street will remain open.
4. The Government is expected to bring forward plans for the next stage of the Covid response in the week commencing 21st February and, if they continue on a downward trend, then a number of self-isolation requirements are likely to end. |
Report of the Town Clerk. Minutes: Members considered a report of the Town Clerk in respect of appointments to the Housing Management and Almshouses and Safeguarding Sub Committees, from the wider Court of Common Council.
Members felt that it would be timely to delay this matter until after the Common Council Elections, and the first meeting of the Committee after the Annual Meeting of the Court of Common Council in April 2022, noting that the Housing Management and Almshouses and Safeguarding Sub Committees are not scheduled to meet again until May 2022.
RESOLVED, that – if any vacancies on the Community and Children’s Services Committee’s Sub Committees are not filled by Members of the Grand Committee, then they will be opened up to the wider Court of Common Council. NB. The first meeting of the Community and Children’s Services Committee after the Annual Meeting of the Court of Common Council, in April 2022, appoints to its various sub committees and approves its Terms of Reference. |
Community & Children's Services Revenue Outturn Forecast as at Quarter 3 - 2021/22 PDF 256 KB Report of the Chamberlain and Director of Community and Children’s Services. Minutes: The Committee considered a joint report of the Chamberlain and Director of Community and Children’s Services setting out the Quarter 3 estimated outturn for the Community & Children’s Services Committee budget (excluding the ring-fenced Housing Revenue Account) for the year 2021/22. The report also provided an update on progress with the Fundamental Review (FR) and Target Operating Model (TOM) savings in the year.
Members noted that, whilst officers had been working pro-actively with the Home Office to expedite asylum applications; thereby enabling young people to receive their benefit entitlements, this is beyond the City of London Corporation remit and needs to be addressed by central government.
RESOLVED, that – the report be noted.
Draft Department of Community and Children's Services Business Plan for 2022/23 PDF 148 KB Report of the Director of Community and Children’s Services. Additional documents: Minutes: The Committee received a report of the Director of Community and Children’s Services, which presented the Business Plan for 2022/23 for approval.
In response to a question about housing delivery targets, the Assistant Director explained that these are scheduled over a number of years, but will identify if any are due to complete in the 2022/23 business plan period. The Director reminded Members that the Committee receives regular reports on the Housing Delivery Plan, which reports progress on social and affordable housing delivery.
i) The factors taken into consideration in compiling the DCCS Business Plan be noted.
ii) The DCCS Business Plan for 2022/23 (or the elements therein that fall within this Committee’s terms of reference) be approved, subject to the incorporation of any changes sought by this Committee.
Fire Door Replacement Programme: Gateway 4 - Issue Report PDF 187 KB Report of the Director of Community and Children’s Services. Additional documents:
Minutes: The Committee considered a report of the Director of Community and Children’s Services, which proposed a programme of works to replace all front entrance doors (including any associated panel surrounds and fanlight windows) within City of London housing managed residential blocks of flats, excluding those covered by existing programmes.
Officers fully understood the need to expedite these works, both in terms of the fire safety implications and the risk of rising construction costs. Members noted that a new Project Manager had been appointed to manage the windows and fire safety programme and another appointment was imminent to support further projects in the capital works programme.
1. The revised project timelines, following delay to the programme due to Covid-19 and design compliance issues, be noted.
2. The total estimated cost of the project at £8,983,214 (excluding risk), (£9,100,000 including risk) be noted.
3. Option 1 in the report be approved; i.e. - the procurement of the remaining Lots will be undertaken via the Hyde Fire Safety Framework by means of their direct award mechanism to the top ranked supplier, Gerda Security Products Ltd, subject to tendered costs being within previously approved estimates.
Avondale Square Estate - Emergency and Communal Lighting: Gateway 6 - Outcome Report PDF 116 KB Report of the Director of Community and Children’s Services. Additional documents: Minutes: The Committee considered a report of the Director of Community and Children’s Services in respect of emergency lighting at Avondale Square estate, which was non-compliant, and a number of luminaires were either not working or constantly lit with no control. The works improved the economy and energy efficiency of the communal lighting across Avondale Estate.
RESOLVED, that - the contents of this report and the lessons learnt be noted and the project be formally closed.
Review of the Housing Allocations Scheme 2017 PDF 119 KB Report of the Director of Community and Children’s Services. Additional documents:
Minutes: The Committee considered a report of the Director of Community and Children’s Services in respect of the requirement on local housing authorities, under Section 166A of the Housing Act 1996, to have a scheme for allocating housing accommodation. Members noted that the City Corporation’s Housing Allocations Scheme was comprehensively rewritten in 2017 and implemented following extensive consultation with relevant stakeholders. The scheme has now been refreshed, with some minor changes, to ensure that it remains as up to date as possible. In response to a question, officers agreed to investigate why income thresholds used the National Living Wage and not the London Living Wage (LLW).
RESOLVED, that – the Housing Allocations Scheme be approved. |
Questions on Matters Relating to the Work of the Committee Minutes: The following 2 questions were put:
"When will the Green Box be removed from the Guinness Estate. I hope this is soon as Guinness are about to undertake the huge task of installing fire suppressant sprinklers in all the flats and the space is sorely needed for parking contractors' vehicles."
Officers had contacted the Guinness Trust (without prejudice) in respect of a financial settlement, which is common at the end of a lease period. This would enable Guinness to undertake restoration and removal of the Green Box and release the Department from the procurement and project management costs. Initial indications were that the Guinness Trust would like the site to be restored for parking. Members noted that a meeting was scheduled for 16th February 2022, after which officers would update the Chair, Deputy Chair and Ward Members. The Member who put the question offered support, if required.
“In respect of the water charges refund, what will the requirements be for tenants in residence between 2001 and 2005, to enable them to receive their refund, and how do officers plan to deal with requests for monetary refunds, particularly from residents on housing benefits. Currently, the web site only contains the press release and when will there be more information”?
Officers had produced a letter to all tenants; due to go out the following week, together with a fact sheet explaining how current and former tenants can claim. In the absence of records by Thames Water and the City Corporation from this time, if tenants are able to provide evidence of paying charges between 2001 and 2005, then they will be included in the refund process. However, if they have proof of tenancy, with no possibility of them having paid for their water by alternative means, then they too would be refunded. |
Any Other Business that the Chairman Considers Urgent Minutes: The Director advised that Members are able to raise any points in the information-only reports at Committee, with notice. As requested by Members, there had been an extensive discussion at the Safeguarding Sub Committee about the provisions for young people The information-only finance report had been included in the main agenda pack, also in response to Members’ requests.
Exclusion of the Public MOTION - That under Section 100A(4) of the Local Government Act 1972, the public be excluded from the meeting for the following items of business on the grounds that they involve the likely disclosure of exempt information as defined in Paragraph 3 of Part I of Schedule 12A of the Local Government Act. Minutes: RESOLVED – That under Section 100(A) of the Local Government Act 1972, the public be excluded from the meeting for the following items on the grounds that they involve the likely disclosure of exempt information as defined in Part I of the Schedule 12A of the Local Government Act.
Non-Public Minutes To agree the non-public minutes of the meeting held on 17th December 2021. Minutes: RESOLVED, that – the non-public minutes of the meeting held on 17th December 2021 be approved.
Outstanding Actions (Non-Public Items) Members are asked to note the non-public outstanding actions. Minutes: Members received the non-public outstanding actions list.
Sumner Buildings & Avondale Square Estate Report of the Director of Community and Children’s Services. Minutes: Members considered and approved a joint report of the Director of Community and Children’s Services and the City Surveyor.
Assessment Centre for Rough Sleepers: Gateway 4 - Issue Report Joint report of the City Surveyor and Director of Community and Children’s Services Committee. Minutes: Members considered and approved a report of the Director of Community and Children’s Services.
Sydenham Hill Window Replacement and Common Parts Redecorations: Gateway 5 - Authority to Start Work Report of the Director of Community and Children’s Services. Minutes: Members considered and approved a report of the Director of Community and Children’s Services.
York Way Estate Provision of Social Housing: Gateway 5 - Authority to Start Work Report of the Director of Community and Children’s Services. Minutes: Members considered and approved a report of the Director of Community and Children’s Services.
Middlesex Street flat conversions project: Gateway 6 - Outcome Report Report of the Director of Community and Children’s Services. Minutes: Members considered and approved a report of the Director of Community and Children’s Services.
Sydenham Hill Redevelopment, Lewisham, SE26 6ND - Delegated Authority Request Report of the City Surveyor. Minutes: Members considered and approved a report of the City Surveyor.
Report of Action taken: Afghan Resettlement Programme Report of Town Clerk
Assistant Director to be heard in respect of an update on the Afghan Resettlement Programme. Minutes: Members received a report of the Town Clerk, and the Director of Community and Children’s Services provided a verbal update.
Questions on Matters Relating to the Work of the Committee Minutes: |
Any Other Business that the Chairman Considers Urgent and which the Committee Agree Should be Considered Whilst the Public are Excluded Minutes: |
Item 1 - CHSCP 2021 City Safeguarding SUB REPORT TEMPLATE - (003) PDF 110 KB
Members are asked to note that the link to the full report is available on the website and at the link in the covering report.
Minutes: |
Provision for young people report-AM-proofed PDF 190 KB Minutes: |
Item 14 - DCCS -NZC Housing Action Plan update GLREV3 PDF 194 KB Additional documents: Minutes: |
Item 16 - Gateway 3 4 5 Options Appraisal and authority final PDF 175 KB Additional documents:
Minutes: |